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Moof is on Sabbatical

@david_chisnall I do miss the era when you could just code up an app with minimal thinking about the common cases that were covered by frameworks. The idea that everyone needs to have their own interface developed is something that the new web era has foisted on us, and is definitely a step back. Electron and company has just made it worse. And don’t get me started on my thoughts on WASM.

I agree that LLMs will not help there. Or if they do, it shouldn’t be like that.

Either way, I feel that the best way to get a feel for a tool is to use it. You have done so, and come to valid conclusions, and I thank you for sharing.

I expect my next job to be the sort where I will have to battle pressure both from above and below for use of LLMs as a way to accelerate or replace developers. I need to have arguments that sound authoritative in order to battle the massive propaganda^Wmarketing effort being made to sell this as the best thing since Jesus fed the 5k with sliced bread

1 comment
David Chisnall (*Now with 50% more sarcasm!*)


I need to have arguments that sound authoritative

If you're looking for plausible and authoritative-sounding pronouncements, you've come to the right place!

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