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PixelDroid :pixelfed:

Been working a lot on design consistency and colours.

Next release will:
* upgrade to Material 3
* let you choose between 4 colour themes!
* maybe include a new, cute, mascot on the splash screen and "About" screens? This depends on the artist's timeline so I don't know yet :)

CupCake Rob

@PixelDroid I've been meaning to report this for a while:
When you add a 'media description' to an image and the UI is in light mode, the text is black on a dark background. Almost impossible to add text

PixelDroid :pixelfed:

@rghvdberg yes I know, that should also be better now, although still not great (will try to look into that more some other day)

EdenDestroyer (He/Him)

@PixelDroid hey guys, for some reason pixeldroid does not take as a valid instance URL in the very beginning of the app. Any idea how I can fix that?

EdenDestroyer (He/Him)

@PixelDroid like this happens when I try, even without adding the https part and just typing

PixelDroid :pixelfed:

@edendestroyer hmm I'm sorry about that... It works fine for me though :/

EdenDestroyer (He/Him)

@PixelDroid ahhhh idk why it does that, if you find any possible work-arounds please let me know

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