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Kevin R Jones

@homeassistant wondering, if you were a blind VoiceOver user, how might you think the best way to enter the Home Assistant world might be?

1 comment
Home Assistant

@kevinrj This is a very interesting question because we know accessibility is something we can always improve on. I personally think starting with searches on our Discourse forums will help the most - the website may give a better experience with screen readers and there are a lot of stories from the community there that might help get started.

Is there a specific task in mind you'd like to tackle first?
- Missy

@kevinrj This is a very interesting question because we know accessibility is something we can always improve on. I personally think starting with searches on our Discourse forums will help the most - the website may give a better experience with screen readers and there are a lot of stories from the community there that might help get started.

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