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Jon S. von Tetzchner

The Fediverse is unique.

My survey asked what your favorite search engine is.

51% said DuckDuckGo, 12% Startpage, 9% Ecosia and 4% Qwant. Only 6% said Google and 1% Bing. 17% said they preferred another search engine, with many mentioning Kagi and Mojeek.

This is quite different from what the market share out there is, which shows how unique you all are here in the Fediverse. You make your own choices and do not follow everyone else. Be proud.

#fediverse #Windows #Macos #Linux #Android #iOS #Computer #mobile #search #BigTech #Vivaldi @Vivaldi #Mastodon #Google #Microsoft #DuckDuckGo #StartPage #Ecosia #Bing #Qwant

1 comment
Тр3тий Сергеевич

@jon Not directly tied to Fediverse, but I find myself searching via DDG for some specific terms more often as Google just spits blurb of unrelated links.

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