A fraction represents a part of a whole.
The Numerator is the top of part of a fraction.
The Denominator is the bottom of part of a fraction.
An proper fraction must be less than 1, like 3/4 and 7/12.
An improper fraction is more than 1, like 9/2 and 13/4.
A mixed fraction is a whole number and a portion less than 1 together, like 2 3/4.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with this visual way of multiplying numbers together, it has nothing to do with fractions, but I just thought about it. I think it's called vedic multiplication sometimes, or just the sticks method.
I'm using a thicker line here to represent 4 to save me some time, so intersections with the thicker line are worth 4, two thick intersecting lines would be worth 16.