@Schouten_B @SearingTruth @QasimRashid
Please explain how being more wealthy helps you in single payer. I realize it is not a perfect situation for single payer as far as doctor salaries and such. Doctors here feel they get screwed as well.
Again, profitting of denying health care that is indicated and recommended by your doctor is the worst. You do not live in the US, so you really do not have the experience to be so set in your opinions about it.
@66gardeners @SearingTruth @QasimRashid There's private clinics everywhere that I know of (including in the UK, Norway and Australia). So you can just bypass the health insurance system altogether (be it single payer or privatized), and go pay a clinic to give you the 20 million dollar cancer treatment :-).
Plenty of doctors who like money.