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Mark Moxon

Last week I released fully documented source code for Elite on the Commodore 64.

I've now added this version to my website, where the source code is syntax-coloured, cross-referenced, indexed and categorised.

It fits in nicely with the seven other Elite sources on there!

My next task is to write about 10 deep dives into the unique aspects of C64 Elite, linking to the relevant bits of code on the website so you can follow along.

Then I'll move on to the Apple II version, which is the only version of 6502 Elite that I haven't yet analysed.

Going for the full house! 🙂

#retrocomputing #retrogaming #8bit #commodore64 #c64 #elite


@markmoxon Then you're moving on to the Z80 versions, right? 😁

Mark Moxon

@geoffl Ha, I wish I had the time! And the knowledge of Z80 code. And a smaller to-do list. 😂

I'm really hopeful someone will try to do the same for the Z80 versions. Come on internet, you can do it!


@markmoxon Quick one. Didn’t Jez San help B&B with the 64 version and the log lookup tables suggestion? Or am I misremembering something I read somewhere?

Mark Moxon

@marksemczyszyn Yes, I believe he did, though I can't find that exact reference (though I seem to remember reading that somewhere too). Jez certainly helped Bell and Braben get to grips with the Commodore 64, see here:

He was also responsible for the PDS system that they used to connect the BBC Micro dev system to the Commodore 64, and he is credited in the source code for converting Julie Dunn's music driver to the Beeb:

Sounds like he was pretty essential!

@marksemczyszyn Yes, I believe he did, though I can't find that exact reference (though I seem to remember reading that somewhere too). Jez certainly helped Bell and Braben get to grips with the Commodore 64, see here:

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