I agree it should be like a “SIM-card switch” but there is no personal, edge-device, only a server in a data center. That’s why It’s a “device replacement” rather than a “SIM-card switch”The “edge-device” equivalent for the person is missing.
I agree it should be like a “SIM-card switch” but there is no personal, edge-device, only a server in a data center. That’s why It’s a “device replacement” rather than a “SIM-card switch”The “edge-device” equivalent for the person is missing. 7 comments
@dahukanna @scottjenson For what it's worth, this is why I decided early on that one principle of https://dropserver.org is that you'd be able to take your stuff and move it easily. Should there be different ways of hosting Dropserver apps in the future (ha) then I want to establish very early that downloading a copy of your data and importing that into a different instance "should just work" (as far as it's possible.) This is the kind of thing you have to establish early. @aljazmerzen @dahukanna @scottjenson Definitely! I was a (small) backer of their Kickstarter back in the day. Unfortunately the project isn't super active now. Also the paradigm they chose is not without issues. I wrote about that here: https://olivierforget.net/blog/2020/thoughts-sandstorm/ still a great project that I wish would gain more traction. @teleclimber @aljazmerzen @dahukanna @scottjenson my favourite thing in this space is @cloudron it's by far the best IMHO. It's not #opensource but it's #sourceavailable. I started a thread on their forum of other similar things here which may be of interest https://forum.cloudron.io/post/73347 @josef @teleclimber @aljazmerzen @dahukanna @scottjenson Oh wow! I've seen some of these on my own, but had not seen a list collected like that. Home Assistant OS also has this in a way with the installable addons. https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system @kfdm @teleclimber @aljazmerzen @dahukanna @scottjenson yeah Cloudron is Docker based too, and the individual Cloudron app packages they create are all themselves #opensource https://git.cloudron.io/apps it's just the core @cloudron platform itself that is only #sourceavailable |
@dahukanna @scottjenson Yes "change device" is the correct analogy. A server move can't be as simple as a sim card switch because it's the server that hosts your data. So you're looking at moving a lot of data, especially if you've been posting with media files attached. And unlike a phone, you can't use a USB cable for the move! But, that doesn't mean it should be that hard. With a little engineering work and some good design choices, it could be easy. Servers are meant to move data after all.