François, who had gotten that information from his friends at CNRS, begin, "First of all, the burst of base eight numbers are coming in groups of 16,769,021, with a longer break between each group. And what makes that interesting is that some bright people ran it through a simple factoring program and discovered thatit's equal to 4093 times 4097 - two prime numbers."
"Uh, excuse my being dumb, but this means ... ?" Lori asked.
@Unixbigot @mcc
"Since a prime number isn't divisible by any other number, if you're transmitting a grid-type pattern--say a picture or a chart--and its size is the product of two primes, then there are only a couple of possible arrangements for the numbers in the grid. If either number were not prime, there'd be a very large number of possible arrangements, and that would mean you wouldn't be able to figure out what the picture was a picture of."