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Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

It seems like a sweet project is coming together right around the time when I'm ready for more work. Banking info and numbers have been traded so that seems positive. If money lands then I'll be able to talk (and release WIP videos) about it.

Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

Can you guess my new project by this part? (dimensions are close but not yet exactly correct)

Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

Hint #1: The part's width is a bit more than 43cm (17").

Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

Hint #2: It is in the same general domain as my full size Memex build.

Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

Hint #3: The base part shown is an inner frame and is around 43cm (17") wide.

Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

Hint #4: At the end of the project there will be six of them and they'll be in a museum exhibit.

Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

Hint #8: These are metal frames to which rather beige case parts will be attached. The blue is where the glass would be.

Ding Dang Trevor Flowers replied to Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

Ok, I now have permission to talk about this project in full and in public. I'm working with Alan Kay to build six replicas* of a Xerox PARC Alto display for use in a museum exhibit**. Visitors will see a real Alto and then walk over to one of the replicas to futz with Smalltalk '78***.
Here's a nice writeup of a different project that rejuvenated an actual Alto.

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