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Pixelfed for Android and iOS is in active development.

We'll be looking for beta testers next month!

#pixelfed #ios #android

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@pixelfed Holy shit that's exactly like instagram that's wild


@pixelfed Would love to test, report back and blog about ;)

Scully 🍻

@pixelfed Oh. My. Dog! Squeeeeeeee! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


Im so on board. This is greatπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ will you publish to fdroid or another non Google store?

Ricardo Fabara Camino

@pixelfed thank you so much

I want to be a beta tester, please

Ilton Alberto

@pixelfed Nice, looking forward to use it. But, if I may... I don't think that cloning Instagram's interface is a good thing. As a UX Designer, I see a lot os flaws in their design and Pixelfed might look as a "cheap imitation" of Instagram.

Still, I wanna use it ;)

Joseph Andriano

@pixelfed I would be interested in beta testing! The lack of an iOS app is literally the only thing stopping me from using Pixelfed.


@pixelfed would love to help test iOS! The PWA is pretty good but would love a native app!


This looks amazing. I'd test on Android!

Occultist Warlock

@pixelfed can I get on the TestFlight? Please and πŸ™


@pixelfed doing a search, found this. Is there aN iOS app yet? Please and thank you.

Jonny Pencils

@pixelfed Been a this still happening?

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