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@LiveByReason @selzero how long can you keep doing good things that lose money? It doesn’t matter what you do, if you can’t turn a profit off it then you can’t do it for long.


@passwordsarehard4 @selzero

What does that have to do with what we said? I never said that all profit is evil.

Your logical fallacies are:

Strawman: You misrepresented what we said by substituting in something we never said.

I don't know the name of the second fallacy, but basically you claimed that because we said "if A then B", that that is equivalent to going in the other direction: "if B then A".

In this case, that if you are profitable, you are evil. That's not at all what we are saying. Profit by itself isn't evil.

But doing evil stuff for profit is very bad and should be a crime (in some cases it is; but not everything harmful has been legislated a crime yet).

@passwordsarehard4 @selzero

What does that have to do with what we said? I never said that all profit is evil.

Your logical fallacies are:

Strawman: You misrepresented what we said by substituting in something we never said.

I don't know the name of the second fallacy, but basically you claimed that because we said "if A then B", that that is equivalent to going in the other direction: "if B then A".


@passwordsarehard4 @selzero

One additional thought: Non-profit organizations exist, and do good for long periods of time. You can't lose money forever, but you can break even indefinitely. Or you can seek donations to support the losses.

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