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Alina Leonova

@DJGummikuh You can choose always, a small margin of error is acceptable๐Ÿ˜


@AlinaLeonova @DJGummikuh ok, did that
Just noticed that I'm getting lax lately.


@Shadedlady @AlinaLeonova @DJGummikuh so did I.
Good to know: you can add it later, too. So if a nice person provides a text: please add it as late as it might seem - it is still a very friendly gesture.


Same. Because although I try to remember I sometimes miss an alt-text.


Same, same but different I use "@altbot" If I have a picture it gives me a description of it if I mention the bot in the post. And if you follow the bot he follows you back and reminds you of the forgotten description.

But even then I sometimes do point on "send" to fast and close the app and well I am reminded 8h too late.
@DJGummikuh @AlinaLeonova @PleaseCaption

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