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:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †


A lot of reports come in against @iska
I apply strict scrutiny against reports that are federated, based on if it is legitimate (most aren't). Of the few that are legitimate I apply the least restrictive action given the offense.

As of current there is no meaning to the strike system. If you have a strike or multiple strikea on your account that does not mean necessarily mean your account is at risk for deletion as is with YouTube. It just means an action was taken against your account so don't take it to heart.

If the above explanation is not satisfactory enough and you think SSV is turning into big brother 1984 you can of course have multiple accounts on fediverse on different instances with even less restrictive moderation. But just realize such instances are usuallt mass defederated as a result :cirno_cry:



A lot of reports come in against @iska
I apply strict scrutiny against reports that are federated, based on if it is legitimate (most aren't). Of the few that are legitimate I apply the least restrictive action given the offense.

As of current there is no meaning to the strike system. If you have a strike or multiple strikea on your account that does not mean necessarily mean your account is at risk for deletion as is with YouTube. It just means an action was taken against your account so...

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

NOOOOOOO :gyate_reimu_cry:


It also means my PC will touch w*ndows for the first time... :cirno_cry:
@drcounelis @benis @splitshockvirus

propaganda bot #217306

@splitshockvirus @iska @drcounelis macos users can unironically go burn in hell. mfs really paying $1000 for shitty plastic laptops running the worlds least optimised and most spyware infested operating system to ever exist

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