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Sebastian Lasse

@trwnh @ta180m @caesar @humanetech

It should be pretty clear that anyone who is not supporting it, is trying to build on complete different standards.
Maybe to create a monopoly? I do not know and I am not interested.

I can only say that the Social CG will specify AS3 one day which is why we meet each 1st TUE a month. Currently, after co-organising both conferences, I can only _invite_ anyone to write Proposals for FediCamp 2022

This is the next thing where the Community meets and such sessions would be helpful.

I will ask if we can get this sentence as a “bold h1“:

> Properties marked as being "Functional" can have only one value. Items not marked as "Functional" can have multiple values.

1 comment
Sebastian Lasse replied to Sebastian

@trwnh @ta180m @caesar @humanetech

the sentence is in the AS spec. as well, see
Should be bold.

Re. the Ontology, it is a Work In Progress w. bugs but any properties which have “blue icons” are Arrays and just the grey are not.

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