@rauschma @geertaarts I’m going to hype the idea of a trust score to replace algorithms
You can set a “vouch value” for as many or as few people as you like — 0 to 100, or -100 to 100 so we can block others
Then inherit a proportion of that trust number via followers. It’s the “friends of friends” idea that worked well once before.
Plus “friends of enemies” works even more — as any former BBS sysop can tell you, you get more activity overall when you reject more bad activity
But we need something to replace the algorithm. Not everybody can do full timeline, or inbox zero.
(You control consumption by sliding a filter from 100)
@whophd @rauschma @geertaarts that trust tree gets spicey pretty quick. We had a friends of friends model in a startup I founded 15 years ago. At 4 steps away ur basically mapping the entire user base.