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@bruces I'm in this diagram and I don't like it!


@Uglesett @VZ @bruces @eivind I am not just a slow database! 😆

Also I write buggy code less efficiently than a generative AI. That is, I write less code, but less of it is buggy.

Having said that I'm not sure I was ever senior, though some job offers were. 😀

Marc Etienne

@VZ @bruces we all are, my friend, we all are.

Looking for semicolons in a Python world.


It's possible that a distributed ledger is useful
Also possible that we will die Idioacracy style under a collapsed flaming server farms full of ancient useless data


@bruces Wenn zwei Leute eine differierende Meinung zueinander haben , dann dient die Logik dazu, diese Differenz zu bereinigen ... - Leibniz ist auch meiner Ansicht, nehme ich an - haha haha


@bruces wie die logische Grammatik von Edmund Husserl, die Algebra der Logik von George Boole und die Begriffsschrift von Gottlob Frege. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wird eine Interpretation der Leibnischen Konzepte im Lichte der G{\"o}delschen S{\"a}tze versucht und die wichtigste Praezisierung des Begriffs eines Algorithmus, die Turingmaschine, analysiert. Schlie{\ss}lich werden Leibniz' Dualsystem und Leibniz' Rechenmaschine dargestellt.",


@bruces abstract="Dieser Artikel untersucht Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz als Entwerfer einiger Konzepte, die der k{\"u}nstlichen Intelligenz zugrunde liegen. Leibniz Ideen einer lingua characteristica und eines calculus ratiocinator werden an ihrem Entstehungsort, der Dissertatio de Arte Combinatoria (1666), untersucht. Zudem wird auf ihr Vorbild, die ars magna von Raymund Lull, hingewiesen und einige wichtige Ausarbeitungen der Leibnizschen Konzepte betrachtet,

Inc Hulk

@bruces A very senior IT security expert told me "If blockchain is the answer, you are asking the wrong question"

Marc Etienne

@bruces the irony is that the senior software engineer was writing Python.


@bruces A use case for blockchain exists before word “blockchain” was invented - it’s git.

And if you ever used `git rebase`, you laugh every time you hear something about private blockchain.


@slotos @bruces Sure, hash chains and hash trees have their uses.

However whenever the word "mining" appears, any possible proportionality between social usefulness and social cost disappears out the window.


@bruces Alt text: (Not an endorsement)

A venn diagram between Blockchain, "Gen AI" and "A senior software engineer".

Blockchain is still searching for a use case, gen AI is still searching for a business model, and a senior software engineer is still searching for a semicolon.

Gen AI and blockchain are massively overhyped, blockchain and a senior software engineer falsely believe logic can solve human disputes, and generative AI and a senior software engineer write buggy code.

All three are technically just a slow database.

@bruces Alt text: (Not an endorsement)

A venn diagram between Blockchain, "Gen AI" and "A senior software engineer".

Blockchain is still searching for a use case, gen AI is still searching for a business model, and a senior software engineer is still searching for a semicolon.

Gen AI and blockchain are massively overhyped, blockchain and a senior software engineer falsely believe logic can solve human disputes, and generative AI and a senior software engineer write buggy code.

HTTP 418

This image offends me, take it down now.

On a more serious note, there are uses for a block chain: the software I support is legally mandated to have one to validate the integrity of fiscally-relevant records.

Arthur van der Harg

@bruces So the senior software engineer is performing semicolonoscopy?

Jérémy PagÚs

@bruces Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Roya Mahboob could explain to you some good use cases of blockchains.


@bruces Aber verswuche das mal einem Betriebswirt oder Juristen eines beliebigen Konzerns klar zu machen der noch nicht einmal versteht, dass AI Statistik und Blockchain Kryptographie ist.

Reiner Jung

@bruces the senior software engineer operates on comparable less energy with the same output quality.

LuĂ­s Silva

@bruces accurate... the most shocking for me, is knowing that there is almost zero logic in human disputes, not even facts matter. There are hidden forces in human communication and interactions that can't even be transcribed.

LuĂ­s Silva

@bruces we could theoretically model everything, the issue is that we don't really know what they are, we would need some way to capture everything, not only what our senses can detect but also the interactions at the atom/energy level.

LuĂ­s Silva

@bruces we can see this, for example, how a mob can be easily manipulated by a charismatic lider, to the point of making people kill each other.

LuĂ­s Silva

@bruces ... regarding software engineers and mathematicians in general, we are all trying to navigate in a micro limited world where the rules make sense, only to be completely smashed by the next wave of human entropy.

Martijn Vos
Where are the days when we senior software engineers were overhyped?
Old Fucking Punk

@bruces That's a pretty sad statement on senior software engineers, but it is probably valid per hiring definitions.

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