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Adrianna Tan

When I was a teenager I was TERRIFIED of cats. I would cross a street when I saw one (often, as there were lots of ‘community’ / feral cats where I grew up). Now I’m on Mastodon posting Mila photos twice a day.

What happened, that I transitioned to cat lady?

Easy. I became a lesbian, and first it was mandatory, and now voluntary.

#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Torties

A photo of Mila the elderly tortie being very regal
Sindarina, Edge Case Detective

@skinnylatte That is the look of a cat who knows that she wholly, totally, without reservation OWNS you 😄😻

Vincent :coffeecup:

@skinnylatte I love cats so much.

Ages ago, in a French conversation group, a potential new member came to a meeting. Our hostess had a very friendly tortie named Mimi. This young woman freaked, jumped on top of the couch, and started hyperventilating.

Mimi just wanted to rub ankles.

The hostess removed Mimi, of course, but the young woman never came back.



Mila is a fine old lady 💕

What were you afraid the feral cats would do to you?

Adrianna Tan

@NilaJones some of them were nippy and aggressive. There were so many in Singapore (at least 20 in each block, so there were many diff personalities incl cats that had been abused by humans)



Thank you, that's very interesting. I was hesitant to ask because I didn't want to bring up bad memories 💕

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