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Alfred M. Szmidt

@gosha You know the best way to learn? Ask people. ;-)

While Chaosnet (either protocol, hardware, or network) was mainly used as a LAN at MIT.

The Global Chaosnet is the Chaosnet protocol sent over TCP/IP (and other mediums); allowing "contemporary" Lisp Machines, ITS, and other "period" systems to talk to each other.

We are a few who run things there, allowing us to use network file systems, and other such fun stuff.



@amszmidt @weekend_editor That sounds all kinds of amazing, and I bet I could spend an entire weekend (or more) digging into it. Thank you for explaining!

Alfred M. Szmidt

@gosha I now expect you spending a weekend and more digging, and hacking.

:-) And I'm happy to any answer that ensue!


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