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Christine Lemmer-Webber

Now to be completely fair this is something that Bluesky's devs are interested in potentially changing: there is an open issue to discuss the possibility of private blocks

What I am saying is there are architectural consequences to fundamental design abstractions

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Yes, I may sometimes seem silly over here, SICP-hugging fangirl, come on we're just trying to build things that *work* over here

Look I'm a lisp lady, I know the realities of "Worse Is Better" more than most, I now the right CS designs don't win

But Conway's Law flows in two directions!

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

You know what, we'll come back to "bidirectional Conway's Law", let's talk about Direct Messages for a minute because I think those are telling

Direct Messages in Bluesky, wait how do they work if ATProto is public?

Did you guess?

DMs are centralized! All DMs flow through Bluesky

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Now to be completely fair Bluesky is clear about this *in their blogpost announcing DMs*, but just like this thread, I doubt nearly anyone has read that far (am I talking to the void? I don't know, if you actually have gotten to this message reply with "I found the easter egg" or something)

Chris Evelyn replied to Christine

@cwebber Still here, thanks for writing this :blobcathearthug:

Мя :sparkles_lesbian: replied to Christine

@cwebber i found the easter egg! (Actually readin this thread in semi-realtime)

lily 🏳️‍⚧️ replied to Christine i mean you're on my timeline every 2 seconds, it's hard to miss

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The thing that is telling to me about DMs is that we *have* federated direct message protocols like XMPP which have been around for ages; if Bluesky wanted to they could have tacked that on pretty quickly, E2EE or not. It still would have been decentralized at least

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The point is that I have *seen in the wild* people saying "Oh yeah Bluesky added DMs to their decentralized protocol" and augh

I know they aren't claiming this but it's very clear to me that people are reading things as being completely different architecture than it is

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

But to Bluesky's credit, Twitter's DMs aren't decentralized either! And getting and shipping something that works, now for the influx of Twitter users, again... I am sympathetic

Bluesky's team is doing an INCREDIBLE JOB in that way of scaling to meet the incoming stream of Twitter refugees

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

On that note, again, I am not reading the replies right now because I am (a) afraid to and (b) I'm never gonna finish this and we are a bit over HALFWAY THROUGH the analysis but I have this fear that EVERYONE is mad at me, Bluesky fans, fediverse fans

I am trying to be analytical. I am trying!!!

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

I said we are about halfway through and criminy we're halfway through the afternoon, I need a break to get some tea

We have a few big topics left:

- Decentralized identity, how does it work (magnets too, yes)
- The Org is a Future Adversary
- Christine critiques the fediverse
- Wrap up

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

And so, it is TEA TIME

Go get yourself a hot beverage. Put honey or agave in it, if you like. Dairy, or perhaps, non-dairy, if you prefer.

=== BREAK TIME! Time for tea! ===

Dr. Morgan Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

I can confirm, @cwebber is currently making us both tea :)

Josh Simmons replied to Dr. Morgan Lemmer-Webber

@mlemweb @cwebber Excuse me while I slide in to say you two are the best and I hope you are both having a fine Friday. Also, thank you Christine for this fantastic analysis – extremely helpful for people who care but Don't Quite Get It like me.

Jonathan replied to Christine

@cwebber hopefully credible exit too? I guess I should just go google it.

Les Orchard replied to Christine

@cwebber i, for one, am nodding along and occasionally clapping

forest :therian: replied to Christine

@cwebber this entire thread is enlightening so far! (and i figure liking each post manually would be kind of insane to do.)

Elliott B. Edwards replied to Christine

@cwebber indeed the `void*` is listening. Please do continue.

Bredroll replied to Christine

@cwebber being able to see blocks also let's massed malicious targeted messages be more powerful. You know which accounts to use to deliver your targeted content.

bipolaron replied to Christine

@cwebber I can't claim to understand but I'm at least reading... ;-)

Fluchtkapsel replied to Christine

@cwebber I found your Easter egg. Please publish a count of all responses to this Easter egg. 🙂

socks replied to Christine

@cwebber "I found the easter egg"

But seriously, your dustycloud post is a great read and the more relaxed thread here is amazing, thank you :HoloHeartHug:

Softwarewolf replied to Christine

@cwebber I found the easter egg :yoshi_egg:

Jo Dusepo (Дусепо, دو‌سپو) replied to Christine

@cwebber Egg discovery. 🥚 🍳 🐣 I learnt something, and I don't even use BlueSky (nor want to).

aeva replied to Christine

@cwebber it is a well known fact that activitypub and bluesky are both worse because they're not written in lisp 😎

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