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To get myself familiar with the Quake III engine branch used in Alice, which in my assumption should be quite similar to what's used in Ritual's FAKK2, I fixed the published SDK to build with modern C++ compilers.

It didn't turned out to be really hard, other than typical pre-standard C++ incompatibilities I've seen porting HLSDK countless times for modern compilers, there isn't much needed to be done.

And look, it even gets loaded in original Loki Games' port of this game!

The source code is at

To compile and install (backup the original just in case) just run:
cd source
CC="cc -m32" CXX="c++ -m32" ./waf configure build install --destdir=path/to/install/bin/x86/glibc-2.1
Original Linux port of Heavy Metal FAKK2 by Loki Games's running with my custom built libraries. It's the first, tutorial level of the game.
1 comment
fun how fakk2 contains a lot of sin base code

like their entity event/listener thing setup
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