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Remember the mom who bypassed the do-nothing Uvalde cops and saved her own kids?

She's now being regularly harassed by the cops she made look bad.

They are following her around and flashing lights at her home.


the story is unclear on this detail, but it sounds like her kids may be living in a separate location from her now, as a result of her fear of their continued harassment.

✅Joe Stalin 1917 🇰🇵🇮🇷🇵🇸 🇨🇺🇨🇳

@InternetEh Yeah, I think I read they are staying with relatives because of these lazy good for nothing cowardly pigs.


@deathtoamerica sounds right. No parent would want to have to explain this shit to their children

and for all they know, the cops are targeting them. A lot of Ferguson activists had "accidents" months later.


@InternetEh on the bright side, all she has to do is lock the door to her apartment/house, and then the cops can't enter anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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