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Darius Kazemi

My neighbors have an "Any Functioning Adult 2020" sign in their yard and I'm tempted to ask which third party candidate they are planning to vote for.

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@darius i think what i prefer about the system here is that thanks to there being two rounds of voting i get to vote both for a functioning adult and for a lesser evil in the same election
Suitably ballyhooed

@darius is… is Kanye too much to hope for

Alex Garnett

@darius idk how it’s come to this but I’m increasingly secure in the belief that not voting for president in 2020 is my most defensible option; I can’t reward the DNC in its current form under any circumstances (there are constant reminders, eg mcgrath in kentucky just last week) but I also don’t really want to hang chad after all these years and third party runs at the executive level are inevitably narcissistic. wonder if I’ll bother w an absentee ballot for congress

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