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Simon Willison

New release of my LLM combined CLI tool and Python library for interacting with LLMs - the big new feature in 0.18 is support for async models

0.18 (2024-11-17)
Initial support for async models. Plugins can now provide an AsyncModel subclass that can be accessed in the Python API using the new llm.get_async_model(model_id) method. See async models in the Python API docs and implementing async models in plugins. #507
OpenAI models all now include async models, so function calls such as llm.get_async_model("gpt-4o-mini") will return an async model.
gpt-4o-audio-preview model can be used to send audio attachments to the GPT-4o audio model. #608
Attachments can now be sent without requiring a prompt. #611
llm models --options now includes information on whether a model supports attachments. #612
llm models --async shows available async models.
Custom OpenAI-compatible models can now be marked as can_stream: false in the YAML if they do not support streaming. Thanks, Chris Mungall. #600
Fixed bug where OpenAI usage data was incorrectly serialized to JSON. #614
Standardized on audio/wav MIME type for audio attachments rather than audio/wave. #603
Simon Willison

And a new plugin release: llm-claude-3 0.9, adding support for asynchronous access to the Claude family of models

Simon Willison

And here's llm-gemini 0.4, adding asynchronous support for the Google Gemini models plus the new Chatbot Arena-topping gemini-exp-1114 (and -o json_object 1 JSON mode for good measure)

@simonw simonw released this 4 minutes ago
Handle attachments that are sent without a prompt. #20
Support for new gemini-exp-1114 model. Thanks, Dominik Hayon. #21
Support for JSON output mode using -o json_object 1. #22
Now provides async versions of the Gemini models, compatible with LLM 0.18. #23
Simon Willison

llm-mistral 0.8 adds async model support for Mistral models, including the new Pixtral Large

0.8 Latest
@simonw simonw released this 19 Nov 00:56

    Provide async versions of the Mistral models, compatible with LLM 0.18. #13
    Added a pixtral-large alias for the new Pixtral Large model. #14

    llm -m pixtral-large describe -a

@simon do you know what “Mistral" means? I think it is so funny. No judging, it could be “of course" or “what?”

Simon Willison

@sayrer does it mean something other than a strong cold dry northerly wind?


@simon yes, it's this one:

But it is persistent (unrelenting?). That's why it is not just vent/wind. Like, it will still take your hat off tomorrow. Not a French word, really. It's something I would hear old guys complaining about in Provençal when I was very young there.

In the context of an AI company, I take it to mean “progress will happen”

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