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@ta180m oh wow, is Gitea just like, a federated github? A WIP? Or am I missing something
Srry I kinda live under a rock when it comes to techy stuff

makkin thing

@raphaelmorgan it's an existing thing that's an online Git repo like GitHub. It's already completely usable and can be self-hosted. The WIP bit is the federation.

Martin Puppe

@raphaelmorgan @ta180m For now, Gitea is simply a great GitHub clone that you can self-host (or, for example, use for open-source). Federation is still WIP.

rellik moo


it's software. git-based web hosting for code and comments and such.

so, it's like github, except it's free software that people who are not Microsoft can run for themselves. So, more like gitlab, but people seem to find gitea easier to run.

Many do run their own. But the problem is the same as, say, running your own forum software versus using Facebook/Twitter/Insta/etc: How do you get enough people signed up on your one site to make it useful & interesting?

So, this project is trying to add federation, so one doesn't need to have a thousand different accounts to interact.



it's software. git-based web hosting for code and comments and such.

so, it's like github, except it's free software that people who are not Microsoft can run for themselves. So, more like gitlab, but people seem to find gitea easier to run.

Many do run their own. But the problem is the same as, say, running your own forum software versus using Facebook/Twitter/Insta/etc: How do you get enough people signed up on your one site to make it useful & interesting?

@idlestate @raphaelmorgan Yeah, that's a good summary.

I usually point people to when they ask me for a high-level summary of the project.

rellik moo


that's cool.

I was particularly trying to avoid things like the phrase used there: "anyone can host the software".

We see a lot of discussion around these parts about that kind of language, how it embodies certain assumptions about who counts as "anybody".

Usually it's not meant to be exclusive--just the opposite, in fact--but in some circles it carries a certain sense of disappointment and broken promises.


rellik moo

@ta180m @raphaelmorgan

(not sure I achieved that goal but still that's what I had in mind)

@idlestate @raphaelmorgan I've been working on a completely different project over the past few months for a new federation protocol that uses relay servers for NAT traversal and to enable end-to-end connectivity, so that anyone can host an application server on their computer. It's basically on steroids. I have a repo for it but it's quite empty.


@idlestate I'd say you achieved that goal: I read "people who aren't Microsoft" as "individuals, albeit not all individuals"

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