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Ailantd Sikowsky

Nobody knows why, but cows are generally very abductable beings.
One possible explanation is cow's will evolve to be a superior technological species, conquering the space, and returning to the past to save some of their ancient relatives.

In any case this is the first time I draw a cow abduction I think.


@Ailantd Everybody wants the milk. I don't see many steers getting abducted.


@Ailantd I love how the artist's signature is also abducted, just in case more cows are needed 😆


@Ailantd They watch our TV, are exposed to the evil alien invention of advertising, succumb to fast food cravings. Figure it's less conspicuous to abduct a cow off a remote field rather than using that tractor beam on a Burger King in the middle of a city.


@Ailantd ...or maybe aliens just ran out of milk!

BTW I'm crazy for your clean style! ❤️

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