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Luci for dyeing

how does it work?
the whole document is one single flat svg with each page arranged horizontally next to each other as a big row of pages.

the pages can in fact be arranged in whatever layout you feel like.

<view> elements are added with viewBox attributes corresponding to where each page is and id attributes which we use later as fragment identifiers in the links

the svg is loaded into an iframe, so we can give the iframe a name attribute which we match as the target of each link.

how does it work?
the whole document is one single flat svg with each page arranged horizontally next to each other as a big row of pages.

the pages can in fact be arranged in whatever layout you feel like.

<view> elements are added with viewBox attributes corresponding to where each page is and id attributes which we use later as fragment identifiers in the links

Luci for dyeing

the links *could* be embedded into the svg, with the drawback being that they won’t work unless the svg is loaded into a page as an object element, or visited directly.

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