what exactly does google think i'm going to be doing this weekend
@blaurascon Where's the “for both this weekend and weekdays, and for future weekends and weekdays”?? @blaurascon "Is your search for "oil rig explosion" related to plans you're making for the weekend?" @waitworry @blaurascon Laut der Bildbeschreibung tippt die Jacke auf der Tastatur? @waitworry@sakurajima.moe @blaurascon@critter.cafe uwu fbi-kun 👉👈 are you suggesting a date~ 😚 @blaurascon This reminds me of those polls where people freak out about how 72% of teenagers have never heard of George W Bush or whatever, when basically everyone I know, when presented with the poll question "have you ever heard of George W Bush," would lie because it's funny. @dzamie @blaurascon @blaurascon maybe it’s the wine talking but I literally laughed for three minutes over this. I guess I’m easily amused Mmmmmh, now I want to order that book, then go stand next to a pipeline every week until the cops show up @Archivist @tshirtman @blaurascon I once ordered #PiHKAL an #TiHKAL as a bundle. For at least a year after that purchase all my packages came opened. #HazmatInformation @kmmich @Archivist @blaurascon i try not to believe wild claims by strangers on the internet, but this one, yeah, it's not hard to believe. 😬 @tshirtman @Archivist @blaurascon yeah... it took me a while to realise what was going on. The first package you think 'oh, maybe it got damaged...?', the next one 'wait. clean cut, nicely taped closed again.' ... @kmmich @Archivist @blaurascon 😆 did that kilo of spice stop the series? if not, what did it take? 😆 @tshirtman @Archivist @blaurascon it didn't. They seem to have lost interest, although Indian spices still take suspiciously long to arrive. Weirdly, Ukranian seeds are no problem, it seems. Also, I just try toavoid online shopping. Except for really embarrassing stuff like underwear (makes mental note to find some sex toys online). @kmmich @tshirtman @blaurascon Ye, I myself have my dealer in suspicious media @blaurascon Clearly they think this weekend is going to go off with a bang… @blaurascon whoa i can't believe the feds are outsourcing their interrogations to google opinion rewards now (joke) @blaurascon @blaurascon The first day that google appeared on the internet, I believe it may have been about 1996, I read their mission statement.. One line stood out it said, "DO NO EVIL". This made me realize that they intended on being evil... I decided to not engage with them if possible... Well it has become impossible to ignore them completely but I have never used their search engine and they have never seen my real name.... @Ulrich_the_elder @blaurascon they have scraped the contact books and e-mail contents of almost everyone you know. They track smartphones of relatives and site navigation from every PC everywhere through their global advertising monopoly. I bet they buy offline shopping data and insurance data and credit card and banking records. It's not possible to avoid them knowing. @janvenetor @blaurascon I am not going to tell you all the things I do nor the lengths that I am willing to go to in order to safeguard myself online but I will tell you I have never even once seen what has appeared t be a targeted ad... The advertisers do not seem to even know what gender I might be. @blaurascon convincing the Google algorithm that oil rig explosions are part of fun weekend activities @blaurascon Reminds me that me and my wife never got around to having a honeymoon (coming up on ten years soon...) I was joking about visiting a bunch of scenic Superfund sites. @blaurascon "praxis" (edit: oops, I see this joke has been made *many* times now that the replies are actually loading for me) @blaurascon "probably more an oil rig squirt this WE, it's messy and takes hours to get to that level and i can't always make the time." @blaurascon Ok, ok, but what happens next? What about questions 3, 4 and 5? 👀 :4010: Why is anyone still using Google? And why are people still surprised at the level of shit it contains? @blaurascon Question 4: What time are you setting off? Question 5: Which oil rig are you going to first? @blaurascon@critter.cafe @blaurascon@critter.cafe wtyp live episode (with slides) where they cause an engineering disaster @blaurascon Ecoterrorism may be a trend. If I were 50 years younger I would be tempted. @blaurascon has your random query generator gone and got you profiled as a frazzled parent of five year old kids with a birthday activity needed? @blaurascon also no one should answer these sorts of questions. It’s not rewards for anyone but Google. @blaurascon They probably already know too much. @blaurascon hi there! It looks like you might be engaging in some property damage, can I interest you in the following? https://www.versobooks.com/en-gb/products/2649-how-to-blow-up-a-pipeline https://m.imdb.com/title/tt21440780/ Enjoy :) @blaurascon Stupid Google. Everyone knows an oil rig explosion is a work activity, so never at the weekend. @blaurascon do you think they periodically ask questions like this to which the AI already knows the answer so it can locate and filter people trying to trick the system out of the system? |
@blaurascon hopefully some oil rig explosion amirite