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thinking about snake "UÉ?" diagram

Diagram showing the layout of a birds nest made by the Penduline Tit bird. The nest has a concealed real entrance, and a wide-open false entrance that only leads to an unused dead end. The diagram shows a snake entering the false entrance, looking for delicious eggs but finding only empty space. Since this is from a Spanish language textbook, the snake is confusedly exclaiming "UÉ?"
Anne C. A. Baanen, number plumber

@alex the text looks like Portuguese instead of Spanish. the "nh" in "Ninho" is the giveaway here :)


@Vierkantor ah thanks! i wouldn't have known that!


@alex @Vierkantor I can confirm that, "Ué" is an expression used primarily in Brazil! (kinda like a surprised "what?" or a "huh?")


@shello @Vierkantor ah! then it's a Brazilian snake!


@alex @Vierkantor Boa!

(As in, "well done" in Portuguese, but also the snake species from South America (which is definitely not the one depicted haha))


@alex me when I accidentally enter the stock room instead of the toilets in a pub

Nikolaus Tarouquella-Levitan

@alex @frumble Love it! After a little research I can say: it is an African Sub-Sahara bird (“Athoscopus”), but the picture is definitely from a Brazilian publication, probably a school or children’s book. This is what Wikipedia tells about the nests - they’re even more sophisticated: “Their pendulous and elaborately woven nests have false entrances above the true entrance, these in turn lead to a false chamber. The true nesting chamber is accessed by the parent opening a hidden flap, entering and then closing the flap shut again, the two sides sealing with sticky spider webs.”

@alex @frumble Love it! After a little research I can say: it is an African Sub-Sahara bird (“Athoscopus”), but the picture is definitely from a Brazilian publication, probably a school or children’s book. This is what Wikipedia tells about the nests - they’re even more sophisticated: “Their pendulous and elaborately woven nests have false entrances above the true entrance, these in turn lead to a false chamber. The true nesting chamber is accessed by the parent opening a hidden flap, entering and...


@alex That's portuguese... not spanish...

Or can be both :ablobcatgooglymlem:


@alex May the snake in your life say ué!


@alex I think it's in Portuguese actually.

Mr. Bruno :verified:

@Genstar @alex Yes, Google translate identified it as Portuguese for "WHAT?"

I prefer Manuel's "Qué?" on Fawlty Towers. 😆


@alex how does the bird fit into the True Door?

Arina Artemis :nonbinary_flag:

@alex It's like an anime girl noise.
"Uueeeeeeeeee? 😮"

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