It's difficult to find good answers to these questions, I'm not sure what to search for and I don't trust LLMs for this kind of thing either
It's difficult to find good answers to these questions, I'm not sure what to search for and I don't trust LLMs for this kind of thing either 6 comments
@janl yeah, I get that there's a risk here - but I'm losing faith in the thing where conversations happen elsewhere, I want to post things like "what X do you recommend?" and host the results in one place If it's no longer possible for an individual to run a comments section that would /suck/ @simon I’d like a system where I can collect others’ comments on my blog elsewhere and re-host them archive-org style. @simon @janl We have a privacy policy on our podcast website, but only because my co-host insisted he wouldn’t agree otherwise 🫠. I don’t believe the legal requirements are as stringent as some people think, but there’s a lot of vague fear and a shortage of clear, reliable information on the topic. It’d be a shame if this fear ends up leaving the medium in the hands of megacorporations alone. @simon remember, this is a blanket text. Member-states can add but hot remove constraints. Under general don't need a function to delete comments, but you need to have a [not necessarily automatic] way for a user to ask to delete all the comments and the information that they ever left any comments. I'll find the exact article and point in some minutes. I'm very interested what LLM would say. |
@simon honestly: would not sign up to host other people’s content/identity on my blog.