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Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

"Your cellphone primarily uses IPv6. Its IPv4 connectivity is a kludge of carrier-grade NAT and a collection of workarounds that I’d call black magic if the Evil Wizards Union wouldn’t sue me for slander."

Networking for Systems Administrators, 2nd edition, is now open for sponsorships. 23 more print sponsors and I'll do another challenge coin.


@mwl meanwhile, my fiber ISP keeps saying they support IPv6, but that my particular node doesn't route IPv6. As a result, I can get an IP, but I can't actually connect to anything.

I know a Network Architect there. I should probably ask him about it.

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

@kescher oh, wow. Who's your carrier? What country are you in?

keschi / cache :blobCat_in_box:


Only business contracts get IPv6, and only on an on-demand basis, because that ISP has so many fucking IPv4 addresses

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

@kescher ah, yeah. Those legacy orgs get discussed in the previous paragraph.

Thomas Schäfer

@mwl @kescher

In Germany all four carriers provide IPv6.

cynicalsecurity :cm_2:

@mwl CGNAT is like taking the Devil and giving it a course in Cthulhu.

serious business :donor: :heart_cyber:

@mwl I hear the Evil Wizards Union has great benefits and a strong history of securing wage increases

4censord :neocat_flag_pan:

@mwl was just on my way to sponsor, when i realized i did already


@mwl not a single polish GSM carrier does IPv6 by default. At least two of them do only for business contracts. The situation with residential ISPs isn’t much better, with one (UPC/Play) offering a selection between IPv6 + tunneling IPv4 to one IP half a country away or just native IPv4, and several others offering IPv6 (but turning it on breaks IPTV/telephony on their default config).

I hecking wish my phone did IPv6 - outside my wireguard tunnel, at least.


@mwl I WISH my cellphone would use IPv6!

Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

@mwl Yeah can confirm .. my phone always seems to have functional ipv6 on cellular but apps want to do 4 and it often just doesn't work

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