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the year is... a lot. humanity has spread across multiple galaxies, with countless inhabited planets. communication across the entire civilization is instantaneous thanks to FTL technology.

ipv4 addresses are limited to one per planet, with dozens of NAT layers on each world. ipv6 adoption is 70%

[Yaseenist] CauseOfBSOD

@mossweaver every protocol has either added support for some form of name-based virtual hosting or died off except in the ipv6 worlds, since even service records arent enough with only so many ports per protocol (as in tcp or udp, which have 65536 each) and only one ipv4 per planet

thankfully this has prevented the automatons from pushing further towards super earth

ananas ❄️

@RedstoneLP2 Hmm. Well, since fantasy is generally revolving around mythical creatures, magic, and folklore, this would be science-fiction. While ipv6 is a real technology and it could technically be adopted, it's a highly unlikely, fictional scenario! :blobcatgiggle: /j

Jima :Compromise_bi_flag:

@mossweaver @rail_ ...and Earth's 50% is really dragging down the universal average. 🙄

Michael McCune

@mossweaver ipv6 should be a tech tree update in like stellaris, or whatever version of masters of orion is still around XD


@mossweaver IPv6 has been the future for like... 20 years, but nobody wants to live in that future apparently. Even telcos can't do proper IPv6 (if at all) around here. 😭

Noah Kennedy

@mossweaver and the DoD address space still lies mostly unused

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