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Григорий Клюшников

˗ˏˋ wakest ˎˊ˗, discussion is stalled because it wasn't producing any concrete results. It was endlessly going back and forth between various "what if"s. Smithereen has fully working federated groups and events now. Closed (approval-required) and private (invite-only) groups too. And group invitations. At some point I simply realized that a) it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission and b) federation between instances running same software is more important than between instances running different software. Yes, I did add several extensions to ActivityPub — including collection querying. No, these are not yet documented. Yes I will document them at some point.

1 comment

@grishka looking forward to seeing these docs, we're planning on adding groups to wordpress in the coming weeks!

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