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Devine Lu Linvega

Adding the edit option to drag the glyph's sprite data inside the canvas.

It's kind of neat how this is done, I load the rows as bytes, roll them left or right, and save them back, easy-peasy.

Luci for dyeing

@neauoire similar to my “pan” button on which can also be click and dragged

Devine Lu Linvega

@zens yes! I love those little bit manipulation gizmos

Luci for dyeing

@neauoire i just like click and drag (though to my dismay my user testing shows people never figure out you can do it unless you show them. not sure how to make click and drag affordances more visible and accessible)

Devine Lu Linvega

@zens I'm used to that UX in Gimp/Krita as a spacebar mode, maybe a stick mode, like a tool you select, might be more obvious.

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