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Simon Willison

I built a new plugin for LLM called llm-jq, which lets you pipe JSON into the tool and provide a short description of what you want, then it uses an LLM to generate a jq program and executes that against the JSON for you

Example usage:

llm install llm-jq
curl -s 'http''s://' | \
llm jq 'count by user login, top 3'

$ curl -s | \
  llm jq 'count by user.login, top 3'
    "key": "simonw",
    "value": 11
    "key": "king7532",
    "value": 5
    "key": "nicfab",
    "value": 2
group_by(.user.login) | map({key: .[0].user.login, value: length}) | sort_by(.value) | reverse | .[0:3]

Also shows the system prompt that was used.
Michael Hunger

@simon neat. While simple jq programs are easy, i always struggle to make complex ones work quickly so wasting a lot of time. Will try. Thank you!

Michael Hunger

@simon do you pass all or parts of the json to the llm? Or json schema with the instructions? How does it work with large json data? Use a sample?


@simon as someone who wrestled with jq quite a bit, this looks fascinating. thanks for sharing it.

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