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Devine Lu Linvega

It has been months since we last encountered a grocery store proper, we spend our days lamenting the things we've ran out weeks ago, "Oh, I'd kill for a banana", "I wish we had capers".

Personally, right now, if I could have anything, I'd have brussel sprouts, I'd roast them in a pan with balsamic vinegar.


Andrew G10z

@neauoire have you ever seen Cowboy Bebop? Your description reminds me of the lack of food they have on their (space)ship. Never considered the similarities of sailboat life to sci-fi space travel, but now I am and … woah.

Devine Lu Linvega

@apg I have! it has been forever, I'm overdue to watch it again.

Andrew G10z

@neauoire I rewatched before the netflix live action came out. Still great.

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