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Mark T. Tomczak

@palmin I respect Knuth's opinion on this, but I think one of the biggest stresses in software engineering is that the people who find computer programs fun to read are not only a minority, they're a vanishingly-small minority.

I've never done a formal poll, but my gut suggests if I ask people "Would you rather spend more time writing code or more time doing peer reviews" the answer tilts very heavily.

... oh wait, I'm on Mastodon.

Jon Lasser is Hanging in there

@mark @palmin There’s an ocean-sized gap between reading a well-written program as a pleasurable experience and CRring someone’s ground-out hit-a-deadline nonsense grafted onto an existing monstrosity.

Mark T. Tomczak

@disappearinjon @palmin I don't know my poll question is phrased well enough to tease out that gap... But I'm not sure the gap is as wide (for most devs) as many believe.

I've read Knuth, for instance. He's inscrutable. It is, perhaps, the case that his programs in his tutorial language don't count as "well-written programs" in this sense (perhaps partially because his example language is one step removed from assembly).

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