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Anders Borum

Donald Knuth on the rewards of computer programming

Computer programs are fun to write, and well-written computer programs are fun to read. One of life's greatest pleasures can be the composition of a computer program that you know will be a pleasure for other people to read, and for yourself to read.

Computer programs can also do useful work. One of life's greatest sources of satisfaction is the knowledge that something you have created is contributing to the progress or welfare of society.

Some people even get paid for writing computer programs! Programming can therefore be triply rewarding on aesthetic, humanitarian, and economic grounds.
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Alexa Fontanilla

#PostOfTheWeek (season 1):
“The Art of Computer Programming" by Donald E. Knuth (American computer scientist), has had a profound impact on the world of computer science. It is considered a milestone in the field of computer science and algorithms. In this work, Knuth not only explains how to write a program but also provides an in-depth examination of fundamental algorithms. These algorithms help us understand how programs can be executed more effectively and efficiently.


@palmin Some people confuse fun with typesetting. :blobcatgiggle:

Arne Meier

@palmin this is a great quote. In my data structures and algorithms lecture I like to show these two quotes that are somewhat related.

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