@simon This is #Talkback on the second image.

The image is of a vintage gas station. The image is nostalgic and captures the feeling of a bygone era. The main focus of the image is a red and white gas pump, standing tall and proud. The gas pump is gleaming under soft light filtering through the wooden ceiling. Next to the pump is a white and black gas canister, adding to the authenticity of the setting. A red and white gasoline sign hangs from the ceiling and a yellow and white gasoline sign is suspended above it. The floor beneath these relics of the past is a checkerboard pattern, a common design choice for gas stations of yesteryears. In the background, a variety of other signs and advertisements add to the eclectic mix of objects. They are a testament to the diverse range of products and services that were once available at this location. The image captures a snapshot of history, frozen in time, waiting to be discovered and appreciated by those who take the time to look closer.