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Peter Gleick

This seems like kind of a big story.

Canadian PM Trudeau said under oath that Russia is funding Tucker Carlson & Jordan Peterson

“We’ve recently seen that RT is funding bloggers…such as Jordan Peterson…Tucker Carlson…to amplify messages that are destabilizing democracies”

Len Layton

@petergleick Do you have a source for that? He testified in a foreign interference hearing today but I saw nothing reported on Carson or Peterson.

Martin Vermeer FCD

@lenlayton @petergleick There is this

I will say that, while this testimony is under oath, if Canada is like other countries, the PM will enjoy immunity if this disclosure is made as part of his official duties. Would be fun to see the evidence though, if any. It is absolutely believable.

Rob Cinos

@martinvermeer @lenlayton @petergleick Lifesite is far right evangelical garbage. There's hours of the full testimony avail. No one made the effort to find the real source?


@martinvermeer @lenlayton @petergleick I don't know if you realize this, but Tucker Carlson got fired bc he was spreading conspiracy theories that affected national security. It's quite well known in the US that he is a Russian asset. If he is in any way associated with Jordan Peterson, it's fairly likely that Peterson himself is a Russian asset or a useful idiot. If the evidence ever surfaces and matches what's known - it's over for these people.

Martin Vermeer FCD

@thepoliticalcat @lenlayton @petergleick Yes. But consider that Trudeau may know things that he is not at liberty to disclose. Sources and methods. But as I said, eminently believable, and we don't have to wait for beyond-reasonable-doubt evidence to see what we see.


@martinvermeer @lenlayton @petergleick I couldn't agree more, dear friend. Trudeau is an excellent leader in the 21st century. I met his father long ago, and his son is a worthy successor. I hope things go well for Canada!


@thepoliticalcat @martinvermeer @lenlayton @petergleick I've said it before and I will again, with the amount of effort/money the global right spend trying to destroy Trudeau I could convince Albania to exhume and excommunicate Mother Teresa then inter her again, face down in unconsecrated ground. They consider him one of the greatest threats to their fascist agendas. #IStandWithTrudeau #Canada #USA #cdnpoli #PestilencePoilievre #ConservatismIsFascism


@loran_hayden @thepoliticalcat @martinvermeer @lenlayton @petergleick Admittedly her preference for not giving painkillers to her hospice clients wasn't the nicest thing.


@ariaflame @loran_hayden @martinvermeer @lenlayton @petergleick If you're referring to the sanctified Albanian nun, that was the least of her fraud and chicanery. She stole babies from their parents and offered them up for "adoption" to moneyed clients.


@thepoliticalcat @ariaflame @martinvermeer @lenlayton @petergleick I could care less if she was evil incarnate - the point is people fall into the propaganda trap against #Trudeau who is, arguably, among the best Prime Ministers #Canada has ever seen.


@martinvermeer @lenlayton @petergleick @thepoliticalcat I believe the first tidbit of evidence re: Peterson is that when he got strung out on pills he went to Russia for free health care.


@martinvermeer @lenlayton @petergleick @thepoliticalcat and for Tucker it would be when Putin summoned him for a fluffing.



Is it not the punishment for treason in the US "Death by Firing Squad"..?



I believe him 100%.

The number of right-wing 'media' sources out there is way too high and they have to get money from somewhere. I really hope there's a full and public investigation.


@drdj @petergleick

They are getting their money from a hostile government and are being used to destabilize the country.

That's bad.


@csstrowbridge @petergleick USA is not even a pure Democracy, its a Democratic-Republic. In this system, the ultimate power rests with the people who choose to vote for advocates on their behalf. It's not like #reddit

Canada should be worried, tho.


@drdj @petergleick

That doesn't make the US harder to destabilize.


@csstrowbridge @petergleick Destabilizing democracy is completely unrelated to destabilizing the Entire United States of America. The United States could experience strains on its democratic processes while still maintaining overall stability and thriving in other areas like the economy and government cuts for efficiency. We certainly don't need the average person making any large choices within the execute branch, for example. We should have 20% of the #government we have now.

Ian K. Rogers ikr?╭ರ_ಠ

@drdj @csstrowbridge @petergleick

Libertarian or vatnik? I smell a vatnik .... it's not just big names that repeat conspiratorial talking points ... of course the trump stan smell is masking it.


@ianrogers @csstrowbridge @petergleick
I'm libertarian, but such points were conspiratorial?


@Npars01 @petergleick

I consider all billionaires, anyone of substantial enough wealth, to be transnational in nature.

They exist in their own particular country club for the most part national. nationality is irrelevant to their common interest and aims.

Rob Cinos

@petergleick I mean, it's obvious. I just want to see the part where Trudeau actually said it.

Rob Cinos

@indigo8s @petergleick Ok, Blundell is usually on this. I also saw a clip but it's the French translator audio only. Will have to corroborate. Though yeah, Peterson is a Kremlin shill.


@petergleick That will be awesome if they have evidence against Tucker Carlson.

Frans Super 🇺🇦🇵🇸🍋[fckpvv]

@petergleick Strange that this comes out now… I have been distrusting these two for years. Based on ‘taste’ for the BS they utter.


@apenkop @petergleick I mean, Tucker's gleeful tour of the Moscow subway system was pretty blatant. I was surprised how much circulation that received, but it was just business as usual I guess.



Well they do, and in Europe there are proven contacts and even funding of the far right by Russia… and still…silence!

It is a regular 5th column…


@petergleick in the US, we only hear it's Jill Stein that's on Putin's payroll, and only once every four years whenever the Dems look particularly shaky. Tucker and Peterson are untouchable because they're conservatives, and everyone knows it's forbidden to slander conservatives, civility please! 🥺

canleaf08 ⌘ ✅

@petergleick Most rw movements have one source of funding: RUSSIA.


@petergleick there was that time Jordan Peterson went to Russia to get neurological treatment for his benzo addiction. To be frank he was shitty and held the same views before he went, but people tend to get more radical when you give them financial backing and ideological validation from a third party.



Not unrelated:

Who is funding Elon Musk?

-The U.S.Government? NASA Space X
- Saudi Arabia? 40 billion for Twitter purchase

Musk actually does sell:
- Herds of rental satellites
- Rip-off Aston Martin junk cars
- Death trap electric cars

Dan Neuman

@petergleick We already knew about Tucker Carlson. But Jordan Peterson is new, though not that surprising.

Fifi Lamoura

@dan613 @petergleick Peterson has a longstanding Russia fetish (he collects Russian art) and went to Russia for "medical treatment" for addiction that involved being in a coma. It's all rather blatant. I mean, he also pretends he was invited to become part of a First Nation, he's a man of many grandiose delusions and scams.

Dan Neuman

@fifilamoura @petergleick Ah, so it's obvious to anyone paying attention. Thanks.

Fifi Lamoura

@dan613 Apart from anything else, Peterson is a totally amoral grandiose narcissist and neurotic mess. The whole sketchy medical treatment in Russia thing was quite something. I've been following him (or keeping an eye on him from a distance) since he started attacking transpeople and was still just a douchy university professor. Also, some people I know from the early Vice days (and stopped talking to long ago) are very involved in that part of the Canadian alt right and establishment right (so people like Peterson, Conrad Black).

@dan613 Apart from anything else, Peterson is a totally amoral grandiose narcissist and neurotic mess. The whole sketchy medical treatment in Russia thing was quite something. I've been following him (or keeping an eye on him from a distance) since he started attacking transpeople and was still just a douchy university professor. Also, some people I know from the early Vice days (and stopped talking to long ago) are very involved in that part of the Canadian alt right and establishment right (so...


@petergleick @pabloniusmonk

This quote is a ‘such as’ comparison, not an identification. Was something more concrete said as well?


@petergleick it’s a big story. No news; Putin’s machinations have been brought to light before.

Somehow something prevents it from recieving proper attention. How odd.


It's only a big deal if those we've elected to be defenders nut up and defend. If they don't fulfill that duty, they're at least as much of a problem as the external threats themselves.


@petergleick I don't think we need somebody to be under oath to tell us this.


@petergleick Ah yes, tucker carlson... the same weirdo who when he was on fox was pretending to be angry for the M&Ms brand slightly changing their animated candy saying that he wouldn't be turned on by them.

Why does anyone take him seriously?

He is like trump, only smarter. But both of them are huge jokes if they didn't get taken seriously.

The dead horse of a joke has been pushed uphill enough... can't people just use a little bit of intelligence to realize they aren't worth trusting.

Or is the ego of their supporters just too big to admit they made a mistake supporting these nutcases.


@petergleick Ah yes, tucker carlson... the same weirdo who when he was on fox was pretending to be angry for the M&Ms brand slightly changing their animated candy saying that he wouldn't be turned on by them.

Why does anyone take him seriously?

He is like trump, only smarter. But both of them are huge jokes if they didn't get taken seriously.