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Herr Brainf Ãœcker

@Gargron russian language. I wonder if anyone needs it. 😄

Herr Brainf Ãœcker

@Gargron nope. I know russian for all of my life, and it doesn't gives me any advantages. And never did.

Eugen Rochko

@brainfucker It's very expressive and you can access some very good literature in its original form

Herr Brainf Ãœcker

@Gargron which literature written in russian is actually could be called "good"? As for me, 90% of so-called "russian" literature is depressive novels with a plenty of empty words. I know what I say: I used to be an editor-in-chief in Ukrainian publishing house before the russian-Ukrainian war started. That's my position, of course, but anyway...

Eugen Rochko

@brainfucker I think you're going a bit scorched earth because of Putin's war. I don't think there's a need to involve the language and the literature that predates that despot by centuries.

Eugen Rochko

@brainfucker Mikhail Bulgakov's Master and Margarita is one of my favourite books. I'm also a fan of the works of Daniil Kharms.

Григорий Клюшников

Herr Brainf Ücker, the fact that some bad people use something — a language, a tool, a technology — for bad things, doesn't make it bad. Every terrorist drank water. Doesn't mean that drinking water is bad.

Herr Brainf Ãœcker

@grishka I understand that, but this question is far more complicated in Ukrainian case. Check out our history, especially in the part of forcing Ukrainians to use russian in different centuries.

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