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Latest update on the DDOS attack from @brewsterkahle (Oct 11 @ 10:22am PT):

"The data is safe.

Services are offline as we examine and strengthen them. Sorry, but needed. @internetarchive staff is working hard.

Estimated Timeline: days, not weeks.

Thank you for the offers of pizza (we are set)."

David Goldfield

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle I'm so sorry for this outrageous attack but I applaud you for your work. Thank you so much for all that you do.

Danny Boling ☮️


I'd like to help with the costs of dealing with this crap. Where/how can we donate to you?



@internetarchive @brewsterkahle I hope to donate to you once I get a job. I love all the work you've done for the past 25+ years!

Michael Roberts

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle Thanks for the update. I've been surprised how distressing it is that you're not there!


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

This is so fckd up. I was just looking at the way back machine the other day. Must have been like the day before or the same day...


@phillycodehound @internetarchive @brewsterkahle There probably will be when they come back online (soon).

a fish named dog 🎗️

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle
Thank you for your hard work, not being able to use it has made me really appreciate how much I use y'all. Is there anything we can do to help, other than donating (as, of course, the website's offline)?


@internetarchive People can wait. Thank you lot for singlehandedly preserving hundreds of games and websites!! I did not realize how much I use the archive until it went offline xD
DDoSing is technically illegal, so hopefully the people behind the attack get caught cause there's no way they just attack a community-ran archival project and get away with it :grRaccoon:

Just Bob 🇺🇲♒🐧🪖

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

Since you guys have the pizza covered here is a few gallons of ☕☕☕

Sherkel Reborn ~Third Advent~

@internetarchive Thank you for the update! Good to know the setup is strong enough to withstand this.

Amylase/アミラーゼ 🐇🇺🇸

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

I'm really sorry that you got attacked. Internet Archive is one of my favorite sites on the interwebs. Hope everything gets resolved soon xo


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle as a severely disabled person on a very limited income your service is crucial to me. When I saw the service was down I was initially in a state of panic as your service opens up the world of vintage content to me like no order service on the net. I wish you well and hope to be using your service again when the times is right and you have done all that is required to keep that rare and important content safe.Thank you.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle What absolute fuckstick is attacking the internet archive?!


@hellomiakoda @internetarchive @brewsterkahle

I bet those people that are doing the DDoS go out of their way to find and kick harmless kittens. And puppies.

Christian Kent

@hellomiakoda @internetarchive @brewsterkahle anyone who hates the truth … take a look around, it’s October in an election year


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

Please add a link how to send donations on your "Offline" Page. Thanks!


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle Thank you for everything you do to keep the internet's history preserved!

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle wishing y'all a soon end of said storm.

- shutting down services is a necessary step on your end and I'm convinced that wasn't chosen on a whim...

Michael Weiss

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle fortunately, there are a number of good restaurants within walking distance of their headquarters.

Josh Glover

The Internet Archive preserves a historical record of *every website on the internet*, since nearly the beginning of the World Wide Web. Whoever is behind the DDOS clearly stands to profit from reduced transparency of information, from a less educated public. 😡


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

This is when you realize how irreplaceable the Internet Archive is.

martin voggenberger

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

i hope these 'hackers' will be caught and get what they deserve.

Kim Kong

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle Take the time you need! Thanks for the work you are doing!


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle ¡Gracias por todos sus esfuerzos! No saben lo importante que son para las personas e instituciones de América Latina.

OMNIBUS Andariego

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle I hope you are dealing the best possible with the DDOS attack. As a follower, user and small supporter I think it is needed a crowdlyhelp to identifythe source of this. All seems that corporations are not only using legal strategies, they are also playing dirty game. All the global community that support @internetarchive has to help the team to protect and prevent

Peter Hollo

@internetarchive First reaction: Why is @brewsterkahle attacking the Internet Archive?

Terry Echoes

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle For a second, I mistakenly thought @brewsterkahle was the culprit of the DDoS attack from your phrasing.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle
Pls stay online now i want download Among Us to download town of impostors mod

MightyPirate™ 🏴‍☠️

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle All this feels like some bullies kicking and hitting the nice guy for fun. Why? Because they can? 💩

zıəs uɐɟəʇs ✪

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle
I hope, that once the dust settles, you’ll publish, which JS library you had to disable.


@brewsterkahle @internetarchive can we offer any other kind of help at this time? donations? technical skills?

MeltingPenguins 🍉🤠

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

I certainly got the 'reset your password' mails now from trying to reset when it was still up after the attack. so that's working already, I think? (not that i ca reset anything yet, but hey)

Nemo_bis 🌈

[Update: the original is , it federated with a 3 hours delay.]

From the other site: «Latest update from [@brewsterkahle] (Oct 12, 10:17pm PT):
“ sub services coming back up when they can, safely. e.g. Email working.

Now contract crawls for National Libraries (important to make keep collections whole)

Thank you for the patience. More as it happens.”»

I got some email notifications this morning. :)


[Update: the original is , it federated with a 3 hours delay.]

From the other site: «Latest update from [@brewsterkahle] (Oct 12, 10:17pm PT):
“ sub services coming back up when they can, safely. e.g. Email working.

Now contract crawls for National Libraries (important to make keep collections whole)

Monitoring chart showing a bandwidth usage increase from 0.2 to 1.2 Gbps around 3 (San Francisco time).

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle i don't understand, who want to attack the internet archive ? and why ?

Dana McFarland

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle thanks for the work, and also for posting updates here -- appreciate not having to rely on pastes from other platforms!

Miku ra

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle
Y'all doing good work. Take love ❤️
Wishing the best for return of the site.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

Not sure where I should report this, but noticed that on the "Service Availability" page, the end of the bitcoin donation address is clipped in both the browsers I've checked. Shows ...Jz8 but clips off the dN.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle I did not realize how much I've come to really on Internet Archive until it went offline. I will definitely donate more often after it comes back online. Hopefully things can return to normal soon.

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