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Low Quality Facts

I bet my girlfriend that this picture of our cats could get 10 billion boosts on Mastodon.

She said she doesn't believe me. She said there's only 15 million accounts on Mastodon. She said there aren't even 10 billion people on Earth. She said it concerns her that I struggle to comprehend large numbers.

Let's prove her wrong everyone. Boost away and show her just how awesome the Mastodon community is.

Tuxedo cat and cute grey kitten lying on a stitched flower art framed thing, looking at the camera.
63 comments | Expand all CWs

@lowqualityfacts with the amount of bots on here, the difference between people and likes could probably be made up 😂

The Lichtenbergian

@lowqualityfacts Based on my book sales alone, I'd say my vote is worth at least... three?


@lowqualityfacts She's probably right, not just because of the limited numbers of accounts or the fact that that there aren't 10 billion people on the earth

Christian Zombie Vampires

@lowqualityfacts I and my 25 sock puppet accounts tend to agree with your girlfriend.

Tuckers Nuts Resist😈!

@cwwilkie @lowqualityfacts
🥥 First rule of a happy life, Christian:
The woman in the argument is ALWAYS right.
Amirite, Mr Facts? 🥥


@jstatepost @cwwilkie @lowqualityfacts Maybe, but in this case she sure looks like she's right. 😼


@lowqualityfacts wow, 10 boosts now. Only one billion more and then you win!

Shig Vigintitres
@Low Quality Facts If all 15 million of us boost it a million times each, that would be… carry the two… regroup… It would be a lot.

oh honey, we talked about this. it is okay to not have a girlfriend. really. hugs!



I initially read that as "our four cats," and thought you have more issues with numbers than previously reported.


Also, each of the 10 billion people on earth could have multiple Mastodon accounts.



Current count is 62 boosts. Congrats! You're halfway there!

JacobRPG+ 🫘

@lowqualityfacts boosting, unboosting, reboosting til we hit 10billion

Alexandre Oliva
it's she who doesn't get federation. nodes are like mirrors facing each other, so each of those 15M accounts scattered over thousands of instances can each be perceived as a local id that can each issue a boost that gets mirrored infinitely. 10G is peanuts compared with infinity :-P

@lowqualityfacts I’m not on Mastodon though, but on the wider Fediverse.


@lowqualityfacts if we all created 1,000 bot accounts though......

Tuckers Nuts Resist😈!

🥥 Picture of two adorable cats who have EARNED 10-billion boosts on the Fediverse.
How many have they gotten so far, Mr facts? 🥥


@lowqualityfacts Good attempt but i'm not on mastodon to "boost" post begging.
if you want that kind of attention X is your place

Emma Q Burns

@lowqualityfacts My cat boosted this, in case your girlfriend is embarrassingly unaware that on Mastodon, one cat boost = 2.5 million human boosts. #HighQualityFact

Goose the cat accessing Mastodon via mobile
🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (🌈🦄)

@catsalad you have about that many accounts, right?

Seems like it's for a good cause 😺❤️


berserk du soleil

@lowqualityfacts Not Enough People Are Saying that this is also a great picture and both cats are so sweet.


@lowqualityfacts My girlfriend says there are only 15 accounts on Mastodon.

Anyway, the cats are very cute, they share the same limb color pattern!

f♯ a♯ ∞

@lowqualityfacts people ? Earth ? Does she know the web is made of bots ? 😬


@lowqualityfacts Have to admit that was quicker than I expected.

Screenshot showing the image with 10 billion boosts, 74 favorites.

@lowqualityfacts Corporations are people, checkmate! But you sleep on the couch to win.

Zachary Perkins

@lowqualityfacts should've said "boosted by 10 billion people" then made an accident named "10 billion people"

Michael ☕️

@zperk13 @lowqualityfacts
Don't tell *all* of the secrets, now.


@lowqualityfacts hey, that's okay! I struggle with any old numbers. 😂😉


@lowqualityfacts Ha! No way am I falling for this again...!


@lowqualityfacts Quick quiz:
Compared to the cat on the left, the cat on the right is roughly:
1. 1/3 larger.
2. 1/2 larger.
3. Double the size.
4. 5 billion times the size.

Matt’stodon (matt grover)

Tuxedo Cat, may boost later. You really need an orange cat to get the boosts.

The Doctor

@lowqualityfacts I am a simple being. I see kittehs, I boost.


@lowqualityfacts It could work if the touching issue would only stick and Not turn off as has in last couple of weeks .. so have to make sure having gotten the color to hold and not undo itself ... still think Xcorp super computer is hacking Mastodon for last year...


@lowqualityfacts [in trump voice] I can’t believe this picture got 10 billion boosts on Mastodon. It’s really incredible, believe me, you won’t believe it. She came to me, big girlfriend strong girlfriend, tears streaming down her face, said it was impossible to get 10 billion boosts, but we did it. The most boosts ever. You’ve never seen more. We got more than Biden, more than Obama, and we’ll beat Obama again. You just need to boost this once, and you’ll never have to boost again.


@lowqualityfacts I mean, I have five Mastodon accounts, so we only need about 1/4 the population of the planet to have five accounts each to reach your goal.


@lowqualityfacts What a beautiful couple.


@lowqualityfacts Sure. Boosting. But you should know I share some of her concern.
Also, the gray one reminds me of my Sassy!

Digital Mark λ 📚 🕹 💾 🥃

@lowqualityfacts … Those appear to be cats. You should post pictures of dogs or perhaps echidnas, to get cat pic boosts.

Kevin Morgan

@lowqualityfacts She's forgetting that cats can have accounts too.

Low quality fact: The number of people + number of cats + other random species that are cat fans is greater than 10 billion.

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