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it has been 0 days since i've been asked to agree to the- wait, what?

Servo installer asking me to agree to the Put Your License Agreement Here license that starts with Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
jade arson. (soon @ 38C3, 📞 AWOO)

@lexd0g the [Put Your License Agreement Here] License, also known as the Lorem Ipsum License :3


@lexd0g it's bold to build a license around some corrupted Latin text about masochism.

Grace Vulpes Alopex

@megmac @lexd0g

the dialogues that lorem ipsem is based on aren't about masochism...

Grace Vulpes Alopex

@cykonot @megmac @lexd0g

yes, one specific part of Cicero's dialogue mentions masochism, as he uses it as an example of how pleasure cannot be defined solely as being freedom from pain, but the dialogues are not about masochism


@pharmafemboy @megmac @lexd0g lorem ipsum is not a corruption of the whole text. But accurate, strictly speaking.

I'd say the "corrected latin text" IS about masochism, and the other reply did not misspeak.


@pharmafemboy @megmac @lexd0g the masochism is software programming jkjkjk

Megan Lynch (she/her)

@lexd0g Man, I wish I were presented with this instead of those forced arbitration or AI clauses.


@lexd0g your phrasing of this made me think of the concept of a 0-day exploit in a legal contract, which is an idea I enjoy

Tedeschi Truxton Band

@lexd0g *puts in the 'whoever wrote this software you have to give @even_more_damned_muteKi all your money' license*


@lexd0g maybe they'll finally get around fixing it sometime in the next decade or two

argv minus one


That Windows 2000 CD graphic is some lovely nostalgia.

Matias Makes more sense than many other license agreements out there!


@lexd0g This is peak Windows brain damage. I assume the repo has a license, it's just that this installer isn't finished yet.

Billy Smith


Is it an instruction?

Can it be used as a text-entry box? :D

So how much money do they owe you for installing their software? :D

Urix Turing

@lexd0g well that looks exactly like any other legal text to me: gibberish full of Latin words


@lexd0g Lorem Ipsum is the most funny license ever :blobfoxangrylaugh:

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