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Ernie Smith

@glennf I'm so happy I'm on Craft where I don't need to deal with this idiocy.

Kev Quirk

@ernie Does Tedium run on Craft? That’s interesting, I always assumed it would be a custom job, don’t know why.

Ernie Smith

@kev yeah I'm not, like, running on something static. I have looked into other frameworks over the years but I consider Craft a good community and it has most of the tools I need.

Kev Quirk

@ernie I moved over to Kirby around a year ago and never looked back. There’s a lot to be said for flat file CMS.

Ernie Smith

@kev I considered it during my last move. I spent three months researching CMS platforms before I pulled the trigger on Craft

Glenn Fleishman

@ernie WordPress always seems like a fever dream to me—nearly all the publications I wrote for transitioned to it. I've tried to set it up before (and succeeded). But it's the dog's lunch of crap in a basket—and that's after I had to work with Expression Engine for a few years.

Ernie Smith

@glennf a big part of the reason is that a lot of the functionality that one expects of a traditional CMS hasn't traditionally been built in.

Hence the need for ACF.

Steven Rosenberg

@ernie @glennf I'm a Tedium subscriber, but never heard of Craft. I want to know more about it.

Ernie Smith

@steven @glennf Here you go:

It's not FOSS, but source-available. PHP, like any good CMS should be, on the Yii Framework.

But it has a good ecosystem. I like it because it is built less around themes and more around custom built sites (hence the name).

The CEO, @brandon, is on the fediverse, he's good people.

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