I mean, if an EU citizen’s initiative to tax the rich cannot get a paltry 1 million signatures (less than one quarter of one percent of the population), I guess we really must deserve this bullshit system.
You still have five days, sign this ffs:
I mean, if an EU citizen’s initiative to tax the rich cannot get a paltry 1 million signatures (less than one quarter of one percent of the population), I guess we really must deserve this bullshit system. You still have five days, sign this ffs: 59 comments
@olla33 @aral I would have thought people are disillusioned that such petitions will change anything. But then there was one for forcing gaming companies to maintain infrastructure (or something along those lines) and it got millions of signatures in a few days. Go figure. "Panem et circense" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @cyndakuiru @karlpoe Indeed, that's the case. Also, the petition is not a "click and forget petition" like many others. It's an official #ECI aka EU petition, where if successful, the EU commission is obligated to consider it etc. @olla33 @aral Because these ECI's are meant to be obscure and difficult to succeed by design. The only one that has been quite successful is the one around the preservation of old(er) videogames, sadly. @aral Just like our US brothers and sisters in christ, Europeans think that they are just temporarily embarrassed multi-millionaires too @ellenor2000 @aral If the people in the EU can't be bothered or are afraid to speak up or protest on an issue like this under their real name, then the "perpetrators" have already won and we just need to get "liberated" by some hypothetical outside force. @matus_chochlik @ellenor2000 @aral @aral Right, the one where you have to fully dox yourself, or sign by logging in to your country's online registration system that fully doxes yourself. I wonder why there's not much more support logged in the system owned by the governments, controlled by the people with enough money to get elected / support candidates, that requires people to fully identify themselves to exactly that same system. @dascandy Well you also have to fully dox yourself to vote in an election. It would be good to know, however, whether your signature is linked to you or, like a vote, used only for authentication. @benjamingeer @aral @vincib @aral Non European here, What happens if the days run out without enough signatures?Whats stopping the organizers run it again next year? Every European I have shown this to hasn't heard about this initiative or the European Citizen's initiative in general @aral btw. isn't this proposition against EU law? Income tax, wealth tax, corporate tax - those are reserved for countries. EU has only control on minimal and maximal VAT rate.I think extending EU control would be possible only if European Commission would propose special regulation here, European Parliament voted it and finally countries 'put it to their tax systems. @aral Don't suppose you know about sugar and vinegar? @grumpydad My goodness, to go one day without getting tone policed… now that would be amazing. @aral@mastodon.ar.modify to "tax the rich immigrants" & you'll get at least 10x more signatures. as in everywhere else, voters are afraid of imaginary, not the actual, boogeymen :) @aral you have a point. And yet, ECIs are considered to be a failure IN GENERAL. Maybe there is not enough of a European demos yet, despite all efforts. @aral yeah. In a similar vein I reformulated #Enshittification as the extent to which we *allow* it to happen to us.. @aral O sistema non funciona. E para sabver iso non fan falta iniciativas como tax the rich, senón só mirar arredor... @aral ¡Vamos, España! A firmar ahora: |
@aral I was wondering, why it didn't take off, considering that it's in favour of the large majority... Guess is drowned in the attention economy where only those who pay are seen :'(