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Simon Willison

@webology I got half way through building a dedicated mobile web app for taking a photo on my phone and resizing that and uploading it to my S3 bucket, but I couldn't get S3 CORS headers to work right so I gave up

Jeff Triplett

@simon I realized while microwaving my lunch that it would take about as much time to have Claude build me a file upload tool for my project changelogs (blogs) than it did to ask you how you solved the problem.

One model + one upload form and one list view with a clipboard snippet that gives me a markdown link was what I think I needed.

This technology is such a light bulb moment. Once we automate the git and pr parts we will soon be chatting with our repos to add features.

Simon Willison

@webology I think I need to get over my resistance to having Django handle file uploads and forward them on to S3 - I've always preferred having my browser push content to S3 directly, but maybe in 2024 the servers I'm running apps on can handle proxying a few MBs without me need to worry about running out of server resources

Jeff Triplett

@simon we really need to promote that website more. 8 months is too long to go since the last snippet.

Paolo Melchiorre

@simon @webology why don't just use Django Storages? It's "transparent" and you can change your storage provider in the future without any vendor lockin effect 👍

Simon Willison

@paulox @webology doesn’t that involve uploading a file to Django which then pushes that file to S3?

Paolo Melchiorre replied to Simon

@simon @webology I think it forwards the file to S3 🤔

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