I kind of feel like people only learn proper software engineering if they go to work for JPL.
I kind of feel like people only learn proper software engineering if they go to work for JPL. 3 comments
I mean there was the Voyager 1 patch to work around faulty memory as well. But really I think NASA/JPL flight software has a much lower defect rate than most of the rest of us. I don't think most companies software practices really deserve to be called "engineering" yet. Writing low defect software is more expensive and time consuming than just winging it. "Move fast and break things" is not an engineers motto. Also I was thinking of the NASA software reliability handbook https://swehb.nasa.gov/display/SWEHBVC/8.02+-+Software+Reliability |
@alienghic I taught a bunch of Python courses at JPL many years back. Didn't see anyone talking about "FAANG level" software engineering while I was there. On other hand, what I see now is a rover that's still roving about Mars after being there 12 years. So, there's that.