@postmarketOS I was very surprised recently that Alpine's musl resolves DNS differently than glibc.
- https://biriukov.dev/docs/resolver-dual-stack-application/5-getaddrinfo-from-musl-libc/
- https://jvns.ca/blog/2022/02/23/getaddrinfo-is-kind-of-weird/
- https://wiki.musl-libc.org/functional-differences-from-glibc.html#Name-Resolver/DNS
- https://martinheinz.dev/blog/92
- https://purplecarrot.co.uk/post/2021-09-04-does_alpine-resolve_dns_properly/
In our case it breaks the search domain for Docker containers which would like to discover each other via DNS. This limitation of the search domain might also apply to mobile devices on postmarketOS in networks that set one.