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Matthew Lyon

@jc00ke Github has created and captured an enormous amount of value for themselves on the backs of other people’s labor, and once you see this it’s hard to look at this effort and not see it as an attempt to protect their assets

Jesse Cooke

@mattly I think you're trying to see it that way. It's a no brainer if you come from a "let's make sure things are secure because getting hacked is at least inconvenient if not personally legally perilous" POV. If you can refute mandatory 2FA as an analogy to vaccines, I'd love to hear it. Pfizer & Moderna made a fuckton, did we take anyone seriously that argued their vaccines were bad because they made money?

Matthew Lyon

@jc00ke so, the original post is fundamentally not about security or any of that, once again I am not advocating for anyone to remove 2FA, this is not the point of my post; Jan got it in one:

it’s about autonomy, demand avoidance; it’s about “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” and the Persistent Drive for Autonomy

Jesse Cooke

@mattly I can accept that that would be your initial reaction, but like you said yourself "I know this is a dumb petulant Persistent Drive for Autonomy thing". Like others have said, you can retain your autonomy by deleting your account, and maybe that's what's best for you. But if you don't want to be told what to do, then... I dunno man, all the options boil down to "move somewhere where you don't have to pay taxes, don't have to get vaccinated, don't have to abide by anyone else's rules."

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